MN Permit To Carry A Firearm
This class meets and exceeds MN statute requirements for the training one needs in order to apply for a new or renewal permit to carry a firearm. It also meets the training requirements for IA and FL permits. Upon successful completion of the class, you will receive a training certificate. You may then apply for your permit to carry. You do this by submitting a completed application, a copy of your driver’s license, a copy of your training certificate and $100 for a new or $75 for a renewal permit, in person to your county sheriff’s office.
What to bring:
Eye protection
Ear protection
Ammunition (30 rounds)
Paper and pen if you’d like to take notes.
(If you don’t have these items, they will be provided).
If you need to borrow a handgun and ammunition, it will be provided for an additional $25.
Please leave your handgun and ammunition in your vehicle during the class.
Cost: $95 per person (Cash, Check or Credit Card). You can pay at the class or online HERE.
Location: MAX 493 (1303 Oxford St), Worthington, MN.
Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
If you are interested in private classes, please call or email for details.
Defensive Handgun Fundamentals
The goal of the course will be to develop the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to carry and use a pistol ethically, responsibly and with confidence. Students will be able to demonstrate the following: How to apply the rules for safe gun handling when carrying a firearm, drawing from the holster both open and concealed, clearing malfunctions, the proper use of tactical and emergency reloads, shooting from behind cover, engaging multiple targets, proper movement and more.
Students will provide their own handgun and strong side holster, which must be on the belt, correctly fit the weapon and completely cover the trigger guard. Eye and ear protection are needed.
Also, a minimum of two magazines will be used. Magazine pouches will be worn on the belt opposite side of the handgun. If you don’t have a magazine pouch, a pocket can also be used to hold extra magazines.
200-250 rounds of ammunition.
Cost: $100 per person (Cash, Check or Credit Card).
Details concerning the location of the class will be sent after you register. You can pay the full amount online HERE.
If you would like to go through the training and don’t have the needed gear, all necessary gear and firearm may be provided for an additional $25. Payment for the equipment will be collected at the class. One will still need to purchase the proper ammunition. Please let me know ahead of time if you are in need of the necessary equipment.
Location: Worthington, MN (Specific directions will be given when you register).
A maximum of six students will be allowed for this course.
NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting
This course is intended for all adults regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA-affiliation. Some of the topics in the course include: gun safety rules, proper operation of revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, ammunition knowledge and selection, selecting and storing a pistol, the fundamentals of shooting, and pistol inspection and maintenance.
NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course
This course teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense. This is an eight-hour course. Students should expect to shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition. Students will learn basic defensive shooting skills, strategies for home safety and responding to a violent confrontation, firearms and the law, how to choose a handgun for self-defense, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection In The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet and a course completion certificate.
The course is divided into two levels. Level one is nine hours and offers the essential knowledge and skills that must be mastered in order to carry, store, and use a firearm safely and effectively for personal protection outside the home. Students spend several hours on the range and shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition during level one. Upon completion, students may choose to attend level two, which is an additional five hours on the range and approximately 115 rounds of ammunition learning advanced shooting skills. Time and ammunition requirements are minimum, and may be exceeded. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics Of Personal Protection Outside The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and appropriate (level one/level two) course completion certificates(s).
NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® Seminars
A complete seminar may last as long as four or five hours and include the entire lesson plan, but a modified seminar may be as short as one or two hours and cover topics that best suit the needs of a particular audience. This is not a firearms instruction course, and does not include instruction in physical combat self-defense. Seminars teach common weaknesses that criminals may take advantage of, and a variety of corrective measures that are practical, inexpensive and easy to follow. The seminar includes classroom instruction on criminal psychology, automobile crimes; cyber safety, home security, and a variety of crime prevention strategies including carjack avoidance techniques, use of personal safety devices, and more. Students receive the Refuse To Be A Victim® student handbook, NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® brochure, NRA Become A Refuse To Be A Victim® Instructor Brochure, Refuse To Be A Victim® Firearms Supplement, and a course completion certificate.